The City Clerk’s Office calculates and processes all utility bills, payroll, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and transcribes the minutes of all City Council meetings and Planning and Zoning meetings. Staff work to provide record management, building/park reservations, public record requests, issuing permits and licenses, and serves as the central point of contact for citizen’s problems, suggestions, and questions related to municipal government. We are located inside the Iona City Building located at 3548 N. Main Street.
Monday to Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Keri West, City Clerk/ Treasurer/ Records Custodian
Phone: 1-208-523-5600
Email: cityclerk@cityofiona.org
Heather Marley, Deputy City Clerk / MYAC Advisor
Phone: 1-208-523-5600
Email: deputyclerk@cityofiona.org
Diana Estrada, Public Relation / City Events Coordinator
Phone: 1-208-523-5600
Email: office@cityofiona.org