The City of Iona provides water utilities to their residents. We charge a flat rate of $49.00 a month, and payment is due by the 20th of each month. To start, or transfer water services with the City of Iona please fill out the
Water Services Application
and return it to the City office in person or email to: Email: office@cityofiona.org .You can now fill out the form below to start your water service! To stop services, please call the office at 208-523-5600, or e-mail office@cityofiona.org. Monthly statements are processed by the end of each month and should be received within 1-5 business days there after, in the event a statement is not received please contact our office.
If you need assistance with your water bill, the City has partnered with the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare for the Home Water Assistance Program. The program is designed to help residents that need assistance paying water and wastewater bills. You will need to apply through one of our available agencies. For more information contact one of the following agencies: Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership (EICAP) at www.eicap.org or at 208-522-5391 and Community Council of Idaho (CCI) at www.communitycouncilofidaho.org or 208-454-1652.
For gas service, please contact Intermountain Gas by visiting http://www.intgas.com/ or by phone at (208)-542-6600.
For power service, please contact Rocky Mountain Power by visiting rockymountainpower.net or by phone at 1-(888)-221-7070.
To connect your sewer service, please contact Iona Bonneville Sewer District by visiting http://www.sewerdistrict.com/ or by phone at (208)-524-4545.
For trash services, you may choose from any of the following business which are licensed to haul trash within our City.
- Dump It by visiting http://www.dumpitidaho.com/ or by phone at (208)-681-5020.
- Eagle Rock Sanitation by visiting http://www.eaglerocksanitation.com/ or by phone at (208)-529-5566.
- PSI Environmental by visiting http://www.psitwinfalls.com/ or by phone at (208)-529-8084.
- Western Recycling by visiting http://www.westernrecycling.net/ or by phone at (208)-529-9908.
You can pay your utility bill online, by mobile device or by calling a toll-free number. You can also view your bill online— if you opt out of receiving paper bills to help save resources you will receive a one time per customer per account credit of $5.00 We will send you an email each time a new bill is ready to view. Give our new services a try; we are sure you will love the convenience!
ONLINE >> Make a payment, view bill, view balance due
Go to www.CityofIona.org. Select the bill payment link. You will go to our payment processor, PSN, to register and make your first payment or view your bill. Future payments will be three quick steps. You don’t have to pay online to view your bill online.
DOWNLOAD OUR APP >> Make a payment, view balance due
Download “PSN Payments” from the App Store® or Google Play™. TIP: Register online before using the app to set up your ID and password.
CALL >> Make a payment, hear balance due
Call toll free 877-885-7968. Have your bill handy to provide your customer number. On the first call, you will set up a payment account; calls after that are just four easy steps to pay.
NOTE: Viewing your bill or amount due and paying by check or savings are free services. Convenience fees apply to credit card payments: 2.75% (+50¢ if under $100).
Auto-Pay: Set it, forget it with recurring payments for the amount of your bill.
Avoid Late Fees: Your electronic payment posts the day you make it.
More: Print receipts and bills, view electronic payment history, change your payment method, manage your Auto-Pay and more by using our online service.
We hope you enjoy these convenient services.
The City Clerk’s Office