Low- Income Home Water Assistance Program
The City of Iona is pleased to announce our partnership with the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare for the Home Water Assistance Program. The program is designed to help residents that need assistance paying water and wastewater bills. You will need to apply through one of our available agencies. For more information contact one of the following agencies: Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership (EICAP) at or at 208-522-5391 and Community Council of Idaho (CCI) at or 208-454-1652.
MYAC Angel Tree
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, a time to serve and show love to one another. The MYAC Angel Tree will be ready for you at our Christmas Event on December 4th. Deliver your gifts to the City Office before December 21st, anytime it is open.
Canned Food Drive
Starting at our Christmas Event, December 4th, the Annual Canned Food Drive will begin! Non-perishable food items will be accepted December 4th through the end of the month. Drop off your food by our Angel Tree any time the City Office is open. To see a list of things that are needed CLICK HERE
Meet Our New Sports Director Randy Homer!
I met Alisha Sproul while umpiring slow pitch softball in the fall of 2006. Thousands of softball games later we have 5 children, and live in Iona in the old Sproul house. I grew up(not that tall) playing Jr Jazz basketball. After that it was all sports, all the time (Thanks Mom!). This is my ninth season of officiating high school basketball in Southeast Idaho, and the end of my 8th year umpiring softball. I’ve been the local softball association Umpire-in-Chief for six years. It’s been my privilege to work for and with the best softball umpires in the world. I’m grateful for the opportunity to be the new City of Iona Sports Director and look forward to watching kids enjoy sports as much as I do.
Office Closed for Christmas and New Years
The City Office will be closed Thursday, December 23rd for Christmas, and Thursday, December 30th for New Years.
Bonneville County Sheriff’s office has a new program to keep you informed of what is going on around you. From road closures, to dam breaks, they want to keep you safe, and knowledge is the best way to do that. Please sign up for this program by downloading the AlertSense app, or by going to
Story Time
Friends of the Iona City Library have started up Story Time again! They are so excited to see your happy faces every Thursday at 10:00 AM in the City Building Council Room. There will be a story and a craft every week.
Light the Night Christmas Event
On Saturday, December 4th the City will be hosting a Night of Lights at the City Building.
We will have Santa and Mrs. Clause in the gym for anyone who donates food to the food drive. We will also be lighting the City Building after a short song. The MYAC Angel Tree will be out so you can pick a present to give to a family in our community that needs a little extra love this Christmas, AND there will be free hot chocolate. What more could you ask for?
Winter Parking Restrictions
Per Iona City Code § 9-4-5(C), “It shall be unlawful to park or place any vehicle upon any road way as defined above, from and including the period commencing on November 22nd to and until April 10th of the following year, between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday
Reflective Driveway Markers
Reflective Driveway Markers are permitted in the City as long as they do not have any metal base. Metal reflectors could harm the City’s Snow Removal Equipment, and cause delays that would be inconvenient for all of our residents.
Prepare your Mailbox
In order to avoid a runaway mailbox, please ensure that your mailbox is properly secured to its base for the winter season. If they are loose there is a greater chance they will break during a snow removal event.
Snow Removal
We would like to remind all residents that every person who owns property within the City shall remove any snow, ice, and other obstructions or dangerous conditions upon any sidewalk abutting their property within twenty four (24) hours following a precipitation event…. No person shall park a motor vehicle, trailer or equipment on the streets or in the swells, during or following a precipitation event. Snow is not allowed to be shoveled into the street from your property. Those who are physically or mentally impaired in a manner that makes snow removal impossible, pregnant women, or residents over 80 years of age, are exempt from snow removal, and can call the City at 208-523-5600 to have the snow the plow moves into their driveway removed by the City.
Are you interested in knowing the breakdown of the water improvement project? Please view and/or download the Scope of Work which specifically outlines exactly what items are included in the project and the individual cost associated with each. (*It’s important to note the scope of work was based on a worst case scenario meaning some of the costs outlined could be lower when the project is put out to bid and the overall cost of the project could be lower depending on potential grant money that could become available to help fund these improvements). Are you interested in viewing a map of the water improvement project? Please view and/or download a copy of the Map. Have further questions? Please contact a city elected official at the email addresses listed below: